
Español Portugués
Español Portugues


Chile is located on the southwest coast of Latin America. To the North limits with Perú, to the Northeast with Bolivia, the East with Argentina and the West with the Pacific Ocean. To the South, Cabo de Hornos and Diego Ramirez Island are the natural limit of the country; however it is important to remember that Chile has territory in the Antarctic continent bordering on the South Pole. Easter Island and the Juan Fernandez Archipielago (Robinson Crusoe Island) are Chilean territories located in the Pacific Ocean. The country’s longitude from the frontier with Perú to the southern limit of Tierra del Fuego Island is approximately 4.500 km. Its maximum is width is 445 km and its minimum width is 90 km, leaving its total area at 756,950 km2. Of the countries of the Pacific Ocean basin, Chile is the country with the largest front, taking more than 10% of the total perimeter of the basin, and besides, to the South of its territory are the only natural steps towards the Atlantic, the Strait of Magellan and the Drake Pass.


By its length, in Chile all the climatic types are presented, except tropical. The North is a dry, desert and hot area in summer. The Central Zone (from La Serena to Concepcion) has a Mediterranean weather with 4 seasons. The South has drier oceanic climate moist and cold in winter.


Capital: Santiago.

Population: 17,6 millions of inhabitants.

Original Ethnicities: Alacalufes, Atacameños, Aymarás, Collas, Mapuches, Quechuas, Rapa Nui, Yámanas.

Official Language: Spanish, English is mainly used in business and tourism.

Coin: Chilean peso ($). Credit card are usually acepted.

Territorial Organization: It is divided politically into fifteen administrative regions, which are subdivided into provinces and these into communes.

Government Presidential Democratic Republic. President: Mrs. Michelle Bachelet Jeria.

Chile has 5 hours less GMT during March and September, and 4 hours less GMT the rest of the year except Easter Island, where the difference is 7 and 5 hours less GMT,respectively.

Working hours: The normal office time is from 09:00 until 18:00, from Monday to Friday.

The commercial time is from 10:00 to 13:00, and from 16:00 until 20:00 Monday to Friday.

On Saturday is from 10:00 to 13:00 However, shopping centers tend to work continuously from Monday to Sunday.

Electricity 220V AC at 50 hz.

Passport and visas: passport must be valid for six months. Citizens of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Uruguay can enter with Identity Card. Some nationalities apply for an entry visa. Please consult the Consulate of Chile in your country or city.

Airport taxes:

The internal shipping taxes are USD 30. For domestic flights it is approximately USD 15 per coupon. Remember that these values are subject to modifications without prior notice by the Civil Aeronautics Management.

Citizens from Australia and México must pay a tax of reciprocity upon arrival in the country.


Australia USD 117